Event Reports

March 30,2024

National Seminar on Indravijayaha–Seemaprasanga

Shri Shankar Shikshayatan organised a seminar on Pandit Madhusudan Ojha’s work on Bharatavarsha titled Indravijayah as part of the centre’s series of discussions on the work this year. The seminar was organised on March 31, 2024. The discussions focused on the territorial limits of Bharatavarsha.
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राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी–इन्द्रविजय-सीमाप्रसङ्गविमर्श

श्रीशंकर शिक्षायतन वैदिक शोध संस्थान द्वारा दिनांक ३० मार्च २०२४ को एक राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी का समायोजन किया गया। इस संगोष्ठी में पण्डित मधुसूदन ओझा प्रणीत इन्द्रविजय नामक ग्रन्थ के पहले परिच्छेद के सीमाप्रसङ्ग पर विद्वानों द्वारा व्याख्यान के माध्यम से विचार-विमर्श किया गया। सीमाप्रसङ्ग के अन्तर्गत ग्रन्थकार ने विविध शास्त्रीय सन्दर्भों का उल्लेख करते हुए प्राचीन भारत की पूर्वी एवं पश्चिमी सीमा का निर्धारण करते हुए इस सन्दर्भ में १४ प्रमाणों के आधार पर सीमाविषयक अनेक
तथ्यों को उद्घाटित किया है। पूर्ण विवरण यहाँ पढ़े

March 22, 2024

National Seminar on Vyakaranavinod

Shri Shankar Shikshayatan in collaboration with Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, New Delhi, organised a day-long seminar on Pandit Madhusudan Ojha’s work on Sanskrit grammer, Vyakaranavinod on March 22, 2024. Vykaranavinod is a unique work on Sanskrit grammar. Ojhaji has presented intricate subjects of grammar in an interesting and easy manner. Read full report

राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी : व्याकरणविनोदविमर्श

व्याकरण विभाग, श्री लाल बहादुर शास्त्री राष्ट्रीय संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय एवं श्रीशंकर शिक्षायतन
वैदिक शोध संस्थान के संयुक्त तत्त्वावधान में “व्याकरणविनोदविमर्श ” विषय पर श्री लाल बहादुर शास्त्री
राष्ट्रीय संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय के वाचस्पति सभागार में दिनांक 22 मार्च 2024 को एकदिवसीय राष्ट्रीय
संगोष्ठी का समायोजन किया गया। इस राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी में विद्यावाचस्पति पं. मधुसूदन ओझा प्रणीत
व्याकरणविनोद ग्रन्थ को आधार बनाकर आमन्त्रित विद्वानों द्वारा व्याख्यान प्रस्तुत किये गये।पूर्ण विवरण यहाँ पढ़े

February 29,2024

National Seminar on Indravijayah–Bharatavarsha-Seema Prasanga (territorial limits)

Indravijayah is an important work on vedic science by Vidyavachaspati Pandit Madhusudan Ojha. In this book, Ojhaji has explained the meaning of the name Bharatavarsha and its geographical and historical context. Shri Shankar Shankar has translated this work into English, Bharatavarsha–The India Narrative. This year, the institute proposes to hold monthly discussions on various aspects of this important work of Pandit Madhusudan Ojha. The second seminar held on February 29, 2024 focused on the geographical boundaries of Bharatavarsha as explained by Ojhaji. Read full report

राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी : इन्द्रविजय : भारतवर्ष आख्यान-सीमा प्रसंग विमर्श 

विद्यावाचस्पति पण्डित मधुसूदन ओझा ने वैदिक विज्ञान को उद्घाटित करने के लिए अनेक ग्रन्थों का प्रणयन किया है। उनके द्वारा प्रणीत ग्रन्थों में ‘इन्द्रविजय’ नामक ग्रन्थ का महत्त्वपूर्ण स्थान है। इस ग्रन्थ में पं. ओझाजी ने विविध वैदिक एवं पौराणिक उद्धरणों को प्रस्तुत करते हुए भारतवर्ष के ऐतिहासिक एवं भौगोलिक स्वरूप का प्रामाणिक विवेचन प्रस्तुत किया है।  श्रीशंकर शिक्षायतन वर्ष 2024 के अपने ऑनलाईन मासिक संगोष्ठी कार्यक्रम के अन्तर्गत ओझाजी के ‘इन्द्रविजय’ नामक ग्रन्थ को आधार बनाकर इस वर्ष इन्द्रविजय : भारतवर्ष आख्यान-विमर्श नामक एक विशिष्ट शृंखला का शुभारम्भ हुआ। जिसके अन्तर्गत प्रत्येक महीने एक ऑनलाईन संगोष्ठी समायोजित की जायेगी जिसमें इस ग्रन्थ के प्रत्येक विषय पर इस विषय के विशेषज्ञ विद्वानों द्वारा विस्तृत विचार-विमर्श किया जायेगा।  प्रस्तुत संगोष्ठी इस विमर्शशृंखला के अन्तर्गत समायोजित होने वाली द्वितीया संगोष्ठी है। इस राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी का विषय पण्डित मधुसूदन ओझा प्रणीत इन्द्रविजय नामक ग्रन्थ के पहले अध्याय का सीमाप्रसंग था।
संस्कृत जगत् में इन्द्रविजय नामक ग्रन्थ भारतवर्ष के भौगोलिक इतिहास के लिए सुप्रसिद्ध है। इस ग्रन्थ में भारतवर्ष की विस्तृत सीमा का व्यापक वर्णन किया गया है। पूर्ण विवरण यहाँ पढ़े

January 31, 2024
National Seminar on Indravijayah–Bharatavarsha Narrative

Vidyavachaspati Pandit Madhusudan Ojha wrote several books to illuminate the intricacies of vedic science. Of these, Indravijayaha, has an important place. In this volume, Ojhaji has explained the historical and geographical contours of Bharatavarsha through vedic and pauranic evidence. The volume presents Ojahji’s examination of the nomenclature of Bharatavarsha, its geographical boundaries and armed invasion by non-Aryan slaves. We propose to organise a series of seminars, focusing on the section projecting identifiable parameters of Bharatavarsha. The section has 11 topics–trailokyaprasanga, namadheyaprasanga, seemaprasanga, upadvipaprasanga, lankaprasanga, bharatiyabhashaprasanga, varnmamatrukaprasanga, lipiprasanga, sabhyataprasanga, dharmaprasanga and vidyaprasanga. The first seminar elaborates on trailokya and namadheya prasangs. Read full report

राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी–इन्द्रविजय : भारतवर्ष आख्यान

प्रस्तुत संगोष्ठी इस विमर्शशृंखला के अन्तर्गत समायोजित होने वाली प्रथम संगोष्ठी है जो इन्द्रविजय के भारतपरिचय नामक प्रथम प्रक्रम के कुछ बिन्दुओं को आधार बनाकर समायोजित की जा रही है। भारतपरिचय नामक प्रक्रम कुल ११ शीर्षकों में विभक्त है। ये शीर्षक हैं- त्रैलोक्यप्रसङ्ग, नामधेयप्रसङ्ग, सीमाप्रसङ्ग, उपद्वीपप्रसङ्ग, लङ्काप्रसङ्ग, भारतीयभाषाप्रसङ्ग, वर्णमातृकाप्रसङ्ग, लिपिप्रसङ्ग, सभ्यताप्रसङ्ग, धर्मप्रसङ्ग एवं विद्याप्रसङ्ग।यह संगोष्ठी इन्द्रविजय ग्रन्थ के प्रथम प्रक्रम के अन्तर्गत वर्णित त्रैलोक्य एवं नामधेय प्रसङ्ग को आधार बनाकर समायोजित की गयी। ध्यातव्य है कि प्रथम प्रक्रम का नाम भारतपरिचय है। पूर्ण विवरण यहाँ पढ़े

December 29,2023

National Seminar on Sharirikavimarsha Part IX

The ninth seminar on Pandit Madhusudan Ojha’s Sharirikavimarsha, an exceptional work on Brahma vijnana, was organised by Shri Shankar Shikshayatan on December 29, 2023. The meeting focused on the 16th chapter of the book, Jeevatmapratipatti. The meeting was chaired by Professor Santosh Kumar Shukla of Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Read full report

राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी : शारीरकविमर्श (भाग-9) 

श्रीशंकर शिक्षायतन वैदिक शोध संस्थान द्वारा दिनांक २९ दिसम्बर २०२३ को शारीरकविमर्श नामक एक राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी का समायोजन अन्तर्जालीय माध्यम से किया गया । पं. मधुसूदन ओझा प्रणीत शारीरकविमर्श नामक ग्रन्थ के ‘जीवात्मप्रतिपत्ति’
नामक १६ वें प्रकरण को आधार बना कर यह संगोष्ठी समायोजित हुई थी । ओझाजी ने इस प्रकरण में जीवात्मविषयक विविध विषयों को उपस्थापित किया है जिनमें शारीरक जीवात्मा प्रत्यगात्मा, चिदात्मा, चिदंश एवं चिदाभास आदि पर विस्तार से प्रतिपादन किया गया है। पूर्ण विवरण यहाँ पढ़े

November 30,2023

National Seminar on Sharirikavimarsha Part VIII

The eighth seminar on Pandit Madhusudan Ojha’s Sharirikavimarsha, an exceptional work on Brahma vijnana, was organised by Shri Shankar Shikshayatan on November 30, 2023. The meeting focused on the 15th chapter of the book. There are in total 16 chapters. The meeting was chaired by Professor Santosh Kumar Shukla of Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Read full report

राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी : शारीरकविमर्श (भाग-8) 

श्रीशंकर शंकर शिक्षायतन वैदिक शोध संस्थान द्वारा दिनांक ३० नवम्बर २०२३ को शारीरकविमर्श नामक राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी का समायोजन अन्तर्जालीय माध्यम से किया गया। पं. मधुसूिन ओझा प्रणीत शारीरकशवमशशके १५वें प्रकरण को आधार बना कर यह संगोष्ठी समायोशजत हुई थी । इस प्रकरण में २७ शीर्षकों के माध्यम से ईश्वर का विस्तार से निरूपण किया गया है। ओझाजी ने इस प्रकरण में ईश्वर विषयक विविध वैदिक सन्दर्भों को उद्धृत करते हुए विविध आयामों से ईश्वर के विषय में विमर्श किया है।। पूर्ण विवरण यहाँ पढ़े

October 31, 2023

National Seminar on Sharirikavimarsha Part VII

The seventh seminar on Pandit Madhusudan Ojha’s Sharirikavimarsha, an exceptional work on Brahma vijnana, was organised by Shri Shankar Shikshayatan on October 31, 2023. The meeting focused on the 14 the chapter of the book. There are in total 16 chapters. The meeting was chaired by Professor Santosh Kumar Shukla of Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Read the full report

राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी : शारीरकविमर्श (भाग-7) 

श्रीशंकर शिक्षायतन वैदिक शोध संस्थान द्वारा दिनांक ३१ अक्टूबर २०२३ को शारीरकविमर्श विषयक एक ऑनलाईन राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी का समायोजन किया गया । पण्डित मधुसूदन ओझा प्रणीत ब्रह्मविज्ञान सिद्धान्त शृंखला के अन्तर्गत आने वाले शारीरकविमर्श नामक ग्रन्थ में कुल सोलह प्रकरण हैं। इस ग्रन्थ के १४ वें प्रकरण को आधार बना कर यह राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी सुसंपन्न हुई।। पूर्ण विवरण यहाँ पढ़े

September 30,2023

National Seminar on Sharirikavimarsha Part VI

Shri Shankar Shikshayatan organised a National Seminar on Sharirikavimarsha on September 30,2023. It was the sixth seminar in the series on Pandit Madhusudan Ojha’s Sharirikavimarsha. The seminar focused on the 13th chapter of the book. In this chapter, atma’s seven forms are explained. These forms are–nirvishesh, paratpar, purusha, satya, yajna, virat and vishwa. Read full report

३० सितम्बर २०२३

शारीरकविमर्श (भाग-६)

श्रीशंकर शिक्षायतन वैदिक शोध संस्थान, नई दिल्ली द्वारा समायोजित शारीरकविमर्श (भाग-६)
नामक राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी का समायोजन ३० सितम्बर २०२३ को सायंकाल अन्तर्जालीय माध्यम से किया गया ।
यह संगोष्ठी पं. मधुसूदन ओझा प्रणीत शारीरकविमर्श नमक ग्रन्थ के १३वें प्रकरण को आधार बना कर
समायोजित हुई थी । आगे पढ़े

National Seminar on Sharirikavimarsha Part V

The fifth seminar on Pandit Madhusudan Ojha’s Sharirikavimarsha, an exceptional work on Brahma vijnana, was organised by Shri Shankar Shikshayatan on August 29, 2023. The present seminar focused on the twelfth chapter, Atmabrahmamimamsa. The meeting was chaired by Professor Santosh Kumar Shukla of Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी : शारीरकविमर्श (भाग-५)

श्रीशंकर शिक्षायतन वैदिक शोध संस्थान द्वारा दिनांक २९ अगस्त २०२३ को शारीरकविमर्श विषयक एक ऑनलाईन राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी का समायोजन किया गया । पण्डित मधुसूदन ओझा प्रणीत ब्रह्मविज्ञान सिद्धान्त शृंखला के अन्तर्गत आने वाले शारीरकविमर्श नामक ग्रन्थ में कुल सोलह प्रकरण हैं। यह संगोष्ठी इस ग्रन्थ के ‘आत्मब्रह्ममीमांसा’ नामक १२ वें प्रकरण को आधार बनाकर समायोजित थी। आगे पढ़े

July 31, 2023

National symposium:Sharirikavimarsha Part IV

The fourth seminar on Pandit Madhusudan Ojha’s Sharirikavimarsha, an exceptional work on Brahma vijnana, was organised by Shri Shankar Shikshayatan on July 31, 2023. The present seminar focussed on eighth, tenth and twelfth chapters of the text. Read Full Text

राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी : शारीरकविमर्श (भाग-४)

श्रीशंकर शिक्षायतन वैदिक शोध संस्थान द्वारा दिनांक ३१ जुलाई २०२३ को शारीरकविमर्श विषयक राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी का समायोजन किया गया । पण्डित मधुसूदन ओझा जी के ब्रह्मविज्ञान सिद्धान्त शृंखला के अन्तर्गत शारीरकविमर्श नामक ग्रन्थ आता है। इस ग्रन्थ में सोलह प्रकरण हैं। यह संगोष्ठी इस ग्रन्थ के आठवें, दसवें एवं बारहवें अधिकरण के आलोक में समायोजित थी। शारीरकविमर्श के इन्हीं प्रकरणों में वर्णित विषय को आधार बनाकर पर सभी वक्ता विद्वानों ने व्याख्यान प्रस्तुत किया ।हिंदी में रिपोर्ट पढ़ें

June 30,2023

On June 30, 2023, Shri Shankar Shikshayatan organised the national seminar on Sharirikavimarsha. This was the third meeting on Sharirikavimarsha. The meeting focused on the seventh chapter of the book on Brahmavijnana authored by Pandit Madhusudan Ojha.The main speaker was Prof. Kamlakant Tripathi of Sampoornanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi. Other speaker was Dr Kuldeep Kumar of Himachal Pradesh Central University. The meeting was chaired by Prof. Santosh Kumar Shukla, Centre for Sanskrit and Indic Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University and convener, Shri Shankar Shikshayatan. Read Full Report

राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी : शारीरकविमर्श (भाग-३)

श्रीशंकर शिक्षायतन वैदिक शोध संस्थान, नई दिल्ली द्वारा दिनांक ३० जून २०२३ को
शारीरकविमर्श विषयक राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी का समायोजन अन्तर्जालीय माध्यम से किया गया।
यह संगोष्ठी पं. मधुसूदन ओझा प्रणीत शारीरकविमर्श नामक ग्रन्थ के सप्तम प्रकरण को
आधार बनाकर समायोजित की गयी थी। जिसमें संपूर्णानन्द संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय, वाराणसी
के मीमांसा विभाग के अध्यक्ष प्रो. कमलाकान्त त्रिपाठी ने विशिष्ट वक्ता के रूप में तथा हिमाचल
प्रदेश केन्द्रीय विश्वविद्यालय, धर्मशाला के संस्कृत, पालि एवं प्राकृत विभाग के सहायक आचार्य
डॉ. कुलदीप कुमार ने वक्ता के रूप में व्याख्यान दिया । यह संगोष्ठी श्रीशंकर शिक्षायतन के
समन्वयक तथा संस्कृत एवं प्राच्य अध्ययन संस्थान, जवाहरलाल नेहरू विश्वविद्यालय के आचार्य प्रो. सन्तोष कुमार शुक्ल की अध्यक्षता में सम्पन्न हुई।हिंदी में रिपोर्ट पढ़ें

May 30,2023

National Seminar on Sharirikavimarsha

Shri Shankar Shikshayatan organised a National Seminar on Sharirikavimarsha on May 30, 2023. This is the fourth seminar in the series of discussions organised on Brahmavijnana. The main speaker is Prof. K I Dharanidharan, Pondicherry University. Other speakers were: Prof. K. Ganapati Bhatt, Central Sanskrit University, Tirupati, Dr Ramachandra Sharma, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit University, Delhi, and Dr Devendra Kumar Mishra, Indira Gandhi National Open University. The Meeting was chaired by Prof. Santosh Kumar Shukla, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi and Managing Trustee, Shri Shankar Shikshayatan. Full report

राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी शारीरकविमर्श

श्रीशंकर शिक्षायतन वैदिक शोध संस्थान, नई दिल्ली द्वारा ब्रह्मविज्ञानविमर्श शृंखला के अन्तर्गत दिनांक ३० मई २०२३ को शारीरकविमर्श विषयक राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी का समायोजन अन्तर्जालीय माध्यम से किया गया। यह संगोष्ठी पण्डित मधुसूदन ओझा प्रणीत शारीरकविमर्श नामक ग्रन्थ के चार प्रकरणों को आधार बनाकर समायोजित थी। जिसमें पाण्डिचेरी विश्वविद्यालय, पाण्डिचेरी के संस्कृत विभाग के आचार्य. प्रो. के. ई. धरणीधरण ने मुख्य वक्ता के रूप में तथा अन्य वक्ताओं में प्रो. के. गणपति भट्ट, आचार्य, अद्वैतवेदान्त विभाग, राष्ट्रीय संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय, तिरुपति, डॉ. रामचन्द्र शर्मा, सह आचार्य, न्यायविभाग, श्री लाल बहादुर शास्त्री राष्ट्रीय संस्कृत विश्वद्यालय, नई दिल्ली तथा डॉ. देवेश कुमार मिश्र, सह आचार्य, संस्कृत विभाग, इन्दिरा गाँधी मुक्त विश्वविद्यालय नई दिल्ली ने व्याख्यान प्रस्तुत किया।हिंदी में रिपोर्ट पढ़ें

April 29,2023

National Seminar on Brahmavijnana-Sharirikavimarsha

Shri Shankar Shikshayatan, under the series of Brahmavijnana-vimarsha, organised a national seminar on Sharirikavimarsha on April 29,2023. The seminar was based on the Pandit Madhusudan Ojha’s unique text, Sharirakavimarsha. Prof. Dr. Satchidananda Mishra, Member Secretary, Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi, served as the keynote speaker and Prof. Devnath Tripathi was the distinguished speaker. The programme was chaired by Prof. Santosh Kumar Shukla, convener, Shri Shankar Shikshayatan.

राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी : शारीरकविमर्श

श्रीशंकर शिक्षायतन वैदिक शोध संस्थान, नई दिल्ली द्वारा ब्रह्मविज्ञानविमर्श शृंखला के अन्तर्गत दिनांक २९ अप्रैल २०२३ को शारीरकविमर्श विषयक राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी का समायोजन अन्तर्जालीय माध्यम से किया गया। यह संगोष्ठी पण्डित मधुसूदन ओझा प्रणीत शारीरकविमर्श नामक ग्रन्थ पर आधारित थी। जिसमें भारतीय दार्शनिक अनुसन्धान परिषद्, नई दिल्ली के सदस्य
सचिव प्रो. सच्चिदानन्द मिश्र ने मुख्य वक्ता के रूप में तथा सावित्रीबाई फुले पुणे विश्वविद्यालय, पुणे के संस्कृत एवं प्राकृत भाषा विभाग के अध्यक्ष प्रो. देवनाथ त्रिपाठी ने विशिष्ट वक्ता के रूप में व्याख्यान प्रस्तुत किया। कार्यक्रम की अध्यक्षता श्रीशंकर शिक्षायतन के समन्वयक तथा संस्कृत एवं प्राच्य अध्ययन संस्थान जवाहरलाल नेहरू विश्वविद्यालय के आचार्य प्रो. सन्तोष कुमार शुक्ल ने किया । हिंदी में रिपोर्ट पढ़ें

March 30,2023

National Seminar on Brahmavijnana-paratpartatva

Shri Shankar Shikshayatan organised the second seminar under the Brahmavijnana series with Paratpartatva as the focus. Paratpar means the supreme being. Brahmasamanvya is a well known book written by Pandit Madhusudan Ojha. Partpartatva is the second chapter. The first chapter is nirvishesha tatva and the seminar was organised on February 28,2023. The mains speaker at the seminar was  Prof. Satish K. S. Chairman, Department of Advaita Vedanta, Rashtriya Sanskrit University, Tirupati. Other speakers were Prof. Ganesh Ishwar Bhatt, Acharya, Department of Vedanta, central Sanskrit University, Sringeri campus and Prof. Mayuri Bhatia, Acharya, Department of Sanskrit, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad. The programme was chaired by Prof. Dr. Mahananda Jha, Chairman, Department of Justice, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit University, New Delhi. Read full report

राष्ट्रीयसंगोष्ठी : परात्परतत्त्वविमर्श

यह संगोष्ठी पण्डित मधुसूदन ओझा प्रणीत ब्रह्मसमन्वय नामक ग्रन्थ के दूसरे अनुवाक में वर्णित परात्पर तत्त्व को आधार बनाकर समायोजित की गयी थी। इस संगोष्ठी में वक्ता के रूप मे प्रो. सतीश के. एस. अध्यक्ष, अद्वैत वेदान्त विभाग, राष्ट्रीय संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय, तिरुपति, प्रो. गणेश ईश्वर भट्ट, आचार्य, वेदान्त विभाग, केन्द्रीय संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय, शृंगेरी परिसर तथा प्रो. मयूरी भाटिया, आचार्य, संस्कृत विभाग, गुजरात विश्वविद्यालय, अहमदाबाद ने निर्धारित विषय पर व्याख्यान प्रस्तुत किया। कार्यक्रम की अध्यक्षता प्रो. महानन्द झा, अध्यक्ष, न्याय विभाग, श्री लाल बहादुर शास्त्री राष्ट्रीय संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय, नई दिल्ली ने की।आगे पढ़े

National Seminar on Kadambini

Shri Shankar Shikshayatan in collaboration with the Department of Vastushastra, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit University, Delhi, organised a seminar on Kadambini on March 18,2023. Kadambini is an important work on srishti vijnana by Pandit Madhusudan Ojha. The book gives a comprehensive account of the monsoon and its various facets. The meeting was introduced by Prof. Santosh Kumar Shukla, convener of Shri Shankar Shikshayatan and head of the department, Sanskrit and Ancient Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University. Notable speakers included Prof. Ramachandra Pandey, former chair, jyotish department, Banaras Hindu University, Prof. Devi Prasad Tripathi, head of Vastu Shastra department, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit University and Prof Manoj Srivastava, Banaras Hindu University. Read full report

कादम्बिनी पर राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी

श्री शंकर शिक्षायतन ने वास्तु शास्त्र विभाग, श्री लाल बहादुर शास्त्री राष्ट्रीय संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय, दिल्ली के सहयोग से 18 मार्च, 2023 को कादंबिनी पर एक संगोष्ठी का आयोजन किया । कादम्बिनी पंडित मधुसूदन ओझा द्वारा सृष्टि विज्ञान पर एक महत्वपूर्ण कार्य है । पुस्तक वृष्टि विज्ञानऔर इसके विभिन्न पहलुओं का एक व्यापक विवरण देती है । बैठक की शुरुआत श्री शंकर शिक्षण संस्थान के संयोजक और जवाहरलाल नेहरू विश्वविद्यालय के संस्कृत एवं प्राचीन अध्ययन विभाग के प्रमुख प्रो. संतोष कुमार शुक्ला ने की । उल्लेखनीय वक्ताओं में प्रो । रामचंद्र पांडे, पूर्व अध्यक्ष, ज्योतिष विभाग, बनारस हिंदू विश्वविद्यालय, प्रो. देवी प्रसाद त्रिपाठी, वास्तु शास्त्र विभाग के प्रमुख, श्री लाल बहादुर शास्त्री राष्ट्रीय संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय और प्रो. मनोज श्रीवास्तव, बनारस हिंदू विश्वविद्यालय।आगे पढ़े

February 28,2023

National Seminar on Brahmavijnana-nirvishesha tatva

Shri Shankar Shikshayatan organised the first seminar in the Brahma Vijnana series on February 28,2023. The topic of the discussion was nirvishesha tatva. The meeting was chaired by the Shikshayatan convener and professor at Sanskrit and Indic Studies department, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Prof. Santosh Kumar Shukla. The main speaker was Prof. Dhananjay Kumar Pandey of Kashi Hindu University, Varanasi. Other speakers included Dr Umesh Chandra Mishra, Central Sanskrit University, Guruvayur, Kerala, Dr Arun Kumar Mishra of Uttarakhand University and  Dr Rajiv Lochan Sharma of Kumar Bhaskar Varma Sanskrit and Ancient Studies University, Assam. Read full report

राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी ब्रह्मविज्ञाननिर्विशेषतत्त्व

श्रीशंकर शिक्षायतन वैदिक शोध संस्थान, नई दिल्ली द्वारा दिनांक २८  फरवरी २०२३ को  ब्रह्मविज्ञान शृंखला के अन्तर्गत निर्विशेषतत्त्वविमर्श नामक राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी का ऑनलाईन समायोजन किया गया। यह संगोष्ठी श्रीशंकर शिक्षायतन के समन्वयक तथा संस्कृत एवं प्राच्यविद्या अध्ययन संस्थान, जवाहरलाल नेहरू विश्वविद्यालय के आचार्य प्रो. सन्तोष कुमार शुक्ल की अध्यक्षता में सम्पन्न हुयी जिसमें मुख्य वक्ता के रूप में प्रो. धनञ्जय कुमार पाण्डेय, आचार्य, वेदान्त विभाग, संस्कृत विद्या धर्म विज्ञान संकाय, काशी हिन्दू विश्वविद्यालय, वाराणसी ने तथा वक्ता के रूप में डॉ. उमेश चन्द्र मिश्र, विभागाध्यक्ष, व्याकरण विभाग, केन्द्रीय संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय, गुरुवायुर परिसर, केरल, डॉ. अरुण कुमार मिश्र, सहायक आचार्य, वेद विभाग, उत्तराखण्ड विश्वविद्यालय, हरिद्वार एवं डॉ. राजीव लोचन शर्मा, सहायक आचार्य, पारम्परिक संस्कृत विभाग, कुमार भस्कर वर्मा संस्कृत पुरातन अध्ययन विश्वविद्यालय, असम ने व्याख्यान दिया। हिंदी में रिपोर्ट पढ़ें

February 7-13, 2023

Seven-day workshop on Varna-samiksha

Shri Shankar Shikshayatan organised a seven-day workshop on Varna-samiksha from February 7.2023. Varna-samiksha is a book of grammar and usage written by Pandit Madhusudan Ojha. The workshop was organised around seven themes and each theme was discussed by different experts. The workshop was conceived and conducted by Prof. Santosh Kumar Shukla, convener, Shri Shankar Shikshayatan and faculty member of School of Sanskrit and Indic Studies. Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

The themes and speakers were–matrika-vivechan–Prof. Om Nath Vimali, Delhi University; varna ka swarup–Prof. Bhagawat Charan Shukla, Kashi Hindu Vishwavidyalaya, Benares, ranga-vivechan–Prof. Jaishankar Lal Tripathi,Kashi, Hindu Vishwavidyalaya, Benares, svar vimarsh–Dr Dayal Singh Panwar, vag-vijnana vichar–Dr Kuldeep Kumar, Himachal Pradesh Central University, Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh,anantar-vidh –Dr Yaduvir Svarup Shastri of 

Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit University, Darbhanga, Bihar and vakya-prayog ka swarup–Dr Ramachandra of Kurukshetra University. 

In the first lecture, Dr Ramachandra spoke about the forms of sentence usage. He said four elements were essential for using any language–varna, akshara, pada and vakya. The journey then concludes at maha-vakya. 

On the second day, the talk was on vag-vijnana by Dr Kuldeep Kumar. The essential element of vak is prana. He said it was prana from which the entire creation came into being. The entire creation is established in prana and in dissolution merges into prana. Prana is rishi. From rishi tatva is born pitr and from pitr devata and asura are created. From devatas emerged the visible universe. 

On the third day, Dr Yaduvir Svarup Shastri spoke on anantar-vidhi. Anantar means limitless or without any obstruction–how two meaningful words can join seamlessly. When two words join to create a new expression, the process is called anantar. He spoke on the various aspects of such words and expressions.

Chairing the session, Dr Pramod Kumar Sharma of Jawaharlal Nehru University, said Varna-samiksha was a complex work and should form part of syllabus in colleges and universities. He explained that svarith svar were of two types–nitya and naimitia, constant and inconsistent. 

On the fourth day, the subject was swara. Speaking on the subject, Dr Dayal Singh Panwar explained that there were nine types of svara or sound or vowel.These are: shvasa-lakshan, nada-lakshan, vivara-lakshan, sthana-lakshan, vyakti-lakshan, geha-lakshan, sruti-lakshan, savan-lakshan and bhaga-lakshan. On the fifth day, Dr Shailesh Kumar Tiwari spoke on ranga-vivechan. There are eight types of rang or colour, of which the speaker explained in detail ranga, hunkar, nada, antastah and ushma. He referred to Pandit Madhusudan Ojha’s definition of ranga. When we strike a copper vessel with a finger, we hear a particular sound.On the sixth day, Prof. Rajdhar Mishra spoke on the forms of varna. These are vivarti, svarabhakti, anukswar and yama. On the concluding session, Dr Pankaj Kumar Vyas spoke on matrikas and explained there were five types of matrikas–brahma-matrika, akshama-matrika, rudra-matrika, bhuta-matrika and yavana-matrika. 

The workshop was attended by scholars and students from different universities and educational institutions. The workshop was managed by Dr Mani Shankar Dwivedi, Dr Lakshmi Kant Vimal and Dr Bishnu Shankar Mahapatra of Shri Shankar Shikshayatan.

सप्तदिवसीय राष्ट्रीय वर्णसमीक्षा-कार्यशाला

श्रीशंकर शिक्षायतन वैदिक शोध संस्थान द्वारा दिनांक ७-१३ फरवरी २०२३ तक सप्तदिवसीय राष्ट्रीय वर्णसमीक्षा-कार्यशाला का समायोजन किया गया । पण्डित मधुसूदन ओझा द्वारा प्रणीत वर्णसमीक्षा एक भाषाशास्त्रीय ग्रन्थ है। इसमें भाषा के विविध पक्षों को समाहित किया गया है। संस्कृत वर्णमाला संबन्धी विवेचन वर्णमातृका नामक शीर्षक में किया गया है। वर्णों के उच्चारण के नियम के अन्तर्गत अयोगवाह के ९ भेदों को स्पष्टता से वर्णन किया गया है । जिसमें रंग और यम आदि विषयों के साथ-साथ वैदिक स्वरूप के नियमों पर विस्तृत चर्चा की गयी है। इस कार्यशाला में वर्णसमीक्षा ग्रन्थ के एक-एक विषयों को आधार बना कर विविध विद्वानों द्वारा इन विषयों का विवेचन किया गया। सभी विषय उद्घाटक विद्वानों ने विस्तार से एक एक तत्त्व का अपने व्याख्यान द्वारा स्पष्टता से प्रतिपादन किया। हिंदी में रिपोर्ट पढ़ें

January 31, 2023

National Seminar on Brahmavijnana-Vijnana-vidyut and Rishi Samman

Shri Shankar Shikshayatan organised a national seminar on Pandit Madhusudan Ojha’s book, Vijnana-vidyut on January 31, 2023. The book is an important work on Brahma vijnana. The term `vidyut` means illumination. As everything becomes clear in the glare of a lightening in the sky, reading this volume will enable a reader to understand Brahma vijnana easily. The event also witnessed the presentation of Rishi Samman posthumously to  Acharya Manu Dev Bhattacharya. He passed away in 2020.

December 30,2022

National seminar on Srimad Bhagavada Gita vijnana-bhashya

Shri Shankar Shikshayatan organised a national seminar on Srimad Bhagavada Gita vijnana-bhashya on December 30,2022. Pandit Madhusudan Ojha’s Srimad Bhagavada Gita-vijnana Bhashya. The volume is divided into four chapters–rahasya khanda, moola khanda, acharya khanda and hridaya khanda. In Rahasya Khanda, there is vivid description of rajarshi vidya. Pandit Motilal Shastrij has authored three small volumes on rajarshi vidya. In each of these volumes, there are seven upadeshas. The present seminar focused on these three volumes. Read report

राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी –श्रीमद्भगवद्गीताविज्ञानभाष्यविमर्श

श्रीशंकर शिक्षायतन वैदिक शोध संस्थान, नई दिल्ली द्वारा दिनांक ३० दिसम्बर २०२२ को श्रीमद्भगवद्गीताविज्ञानभाष्यविमर्श विषयक राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी का समायोजन किया गया। पं. मधुसूदन ओझा प्रणीत श्रीमद्भगवद्गीताविज्ञानभाष्य चार भागों में विभक्त है। इनके नाम हैं- रहस्यकाण्ड, मूलकाण्ड, आचार्यकाण्ड और हृदयकाण्ड । उन में रहस्यकाण्ड के अन्तर्गत राजर्षिविद्या का वर्णन प्राप्त होता है। पण्डित मोतीलाल शास्त्री जी ने हिन्दी में राजर्षिविद्या पर तीन लघु ग्रन्थ प्रस्तुत किया है। प्रत्येक ग्रन्थ में सात-सात उपदेश हैं। इन्हीं तीन ग्रन्थों को आधार बनाकर पर यह राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी समायोजित की गयी थी। आगे पढ़े

November 26,2022

Gitavijnanabhashya-Gitavishaya rahasya

A National Seminar was organised on November 26,2022, in collaboration with Dr Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University, Ranchi, on Gita-vishaya-rahasya. Pandit Madhusudan Ojha’s ommentaries on Bhagavad Gita are divided into four sections–rahasya khanda, sheershaka khanda, acharya khanda and hridaya khanda. In rahasya khanda, he has detailed Gita-nama-rahasya, Gita-shastra-rahasya and Gita-vishaya-rahasya. The national seminar focused on Gita-vishaya-rahasya Read report

राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी –गीताविज्ञानभाष्य-गीताविषयरहस्य

श्री शंकर शिक्षायतन वैदिक शोध संस्थान द्वारा संस्कृत विभाग, डॉ. श्यामा प्रसाद मुखर्जी विश्वविद्यालय, राँची के संयुक्त तत्त्वावधान में दिनांक २६ नवम्बर २०२२ को गीताविज्ञानभाष्य-गीताविषयरहस्यविमर्श विषयक अन्तर्जालीय राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी समायोजित की गयी । पं. मधुसूदन ओझा ने गीताविज्ञानभाष्य के रहस्यकाण्ड के अन्तर्गत गीतानामरहस्य, गीताशास्त्ररहस्य एवं गीताविषयरहस्य नामक तीन विषयों का विस्तार से प्रतिपादन किया है। आगे पढ़े

October 30,2022

National Seminar on Gitavijnanabhashya-Gitashastra rahasya

Pandit Madhusudan Ojha’s commentaries on Bhagavad Gita are divided into four sections–rahasya khanda, sheershaka khanda, acharya khanda and hridaya khanda. In rahasya khanda, he has detailed Gita-nama-rahasya, Gita-shastra-rahasya and Gita-vishaya-rahasya. The national seminar focused on Gita-shastra-rahasya.  Read full report


श्रीशंकर शिक्षायतन वैदिक शोध संस्थान, नई दिल्ली द्वारा दिनांक ३० अक्टूबर २०२२ को गीताविज्ञानभाष्य-गीताशास्त्ररहस्यविमर्श विषयक अन्तर्जालीय राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी का समायोजन किया गया। विद्यावाचस्पति पण्डित मधुसुदन ओझा ने श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता पर चार काण्डों में विज्ञानभाष्य का प्रणयन किया है। विज्ञानभाष्य के चार काण्ड हैं- रहस्यकाण्ड, शीर्षककाण्ड, आचार्यकाण्ड एवं हृदयकाण्ड। रहस्यकाण्ड के अन्तर्गत गीतानामरहस्य, गीताशास्त्ररहस्य और गीताविषयरहस्य ये तीन विषय वर्णित हैं। इनमें से गीताशास्त्ररहस्य को आधार बना कर यह संगोष्ठी समायोजित की गयी थी। आगे पढ़े

September 28, 2021

Pandit Motilal Shastri Memorial Lecture 2021

Dr Devi Prasad Tripathi

Pandit Madhusudan Ojha’s Kadambini illuminated the vedic science of forecasting rain, said Dr Devi Prasad Tripathi, Chancellor, Uttarakhand Sanskrit University, during his comprehensive presentation on the subject at Pandit Motilal Shastri Memorial Lecture 2021 organised by Shri Shankar Shikshayatan on September 28,2021.

Dr Tripathi, a well known expert on jyotish vidya, recalled the extraordinary work done by Ojhaji on rediscovering vedic terms, unraveling the meaning of many of the terms which were lost in time and creating an invigorating body of work on vedic science. His work on forecasting rain, Kadambini, was but one of the many volumes Ojhaji had written on various facets of nature and Creation. Read more

May 29, 2021

National Webinar on Sadasadavada

Sadasadavada is one of the several books authored by renowned Vedic teacher Pandit Madhusudan Ojha on Creation. In this book, Ojhaji has presented 21 philosophical issues. Although in essence there are only seven basic philosophical issues–pratyaya, prakriti, tadamya, arya, guna, samanjasya and akshara, but with the presence of sat (truth), asat (what is not truth) and satsat in each of these make the total to 21. Read more

April 30, 2021

National Webinar on Avaranavada

Shri Shankar Shikshayatan organised a national webinar on Pandit Madhusudan Ojha’s Avaranvada on April 30, 2021.Avaranvada is one of the ten books authored by renowned Vedic scholar Pandit Madhusudan Ojha, examining various causes of Creation. Inspired by nasadiya-sukta of the Rigveda, Ojhaji explored brahman-granthas, aranyakas and other vedic texts to understand how the Creation came about. Read more

National Webinar on Srimad Bhagvad Gita
December 30, 2020

Shri Shankar Shikshayatan hosted a national webinar on Srimad Bhagvad Gita, based on the commentaries written by Pandit Madhusudan Ojha, on December 30, 2020.

In his introduction, Prof. Santosh Kumar Shukla, convener of the Shikshayatan, gave the audience a short but comprehensive presentation on the mission and work carried out by Shri Shankar Shikshayatan. He said the Shikshayatan was committed to propagate the teachings of Pandit Madhusudan Ojha, Pandit Motilal Shastri and Pandit Rishi Kumar Mishra. He said the Shikshayatan was a unique repository of works authored by the three gurus. All the three gurus had written on Srimad Bhagvad Gita. During the seminar, he said, different speakers will refer to one of the three commentaries penned by Ojhaji on Gita, called the Rahasya Khanda.

Prof. Shukla said Ojhaji explained the meaning imbedded in the Gita from two perspectives—itihasa or history and Vedic terms. Ojhaji in his works on the Vedas has stressed upon a clear understanding of the various terms used by the rishis. It is therefore common to find various Vedic terms and their vivid explanations in almost all his works, including the Srimad Bhagavd Gita bhashya—rahasya khanda (first part which can be translated as Mysteries of Gita).

In his commentary on Gita, Ojhaji has presented a new way of looking at the knowledge contained in the text. According to him, Gita contained four vidyas, 24 upanishads and 120 upadesh. Ojhaji’s commentary on upadesh was never published. In his three commentaries, Ojhaji has presented the scientific aspect of the text. What is meant by scientific in vedic terms is very different from as understood in modern science. Jnana or knowledge is to know how everything evolves from one source and vijnana or science is to understand of everything merges into that same source. In the rahasya khanda, Ojhaji has explained the concept of avyvya purusha.

The main speaker at the meeting, Dr Krishna Kant Jha, head of the department of Sanskrit, MLS College, Lalit Narain Mithila University, said Sri Krishna had given the first upadesh or discourse on budhi-yog vidhya related to avyaya-Brahma. The upadesh gave a clear picture of the scientific nature of avyaya purusha. The Rig Veda has defined avyaya purusha as the one who bears six lokas or worlds. The Upanishad has explained it a limbless entity with unparalleled power and by nature creative and knowledgeable.

Other speakers included Dr Jaywant Chaudhary of Kavikulguru Kalidasa University, Nagpur, Dr Punam Lakhanpal of Raghunath Women’s College, Meerut, Dr Mayuri Bhatia of Gujarat University Prof. Rabindranath Bhattacharya of Kolkata University and Prof Soma Deva of Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar.

The webinar, attended by over 250 participants from different universities and institutions from different parts of the country, was organised by Dr Mani Shankar Dwivedi and Dr Lakshmi Kant Vimal of Shri Shankar Shikshayatan.

 श्री शंकर शिक्षायतन द्वारा दिनांक ३० दिसम्बर २०२० को सायंकाल ३ बजे से ७ बजे तक एक राष्ट्रीय वेब संगोष्ठी का समायोजन किया गया। यह संगोष्ठी श्रीमद्भगवद्गीताद्विमर्श (पण्डित मधुसूदन ओझा के विज्ञानभाष्य के आलोक में) विषय पर आयोजित की गयी। यह आयोजन गूगल मीट के माध्यम से संपन्न हुआ। सत्र का शुभारम्भ वैदिक एवं लौकिक मंगलाचरण से हुआ।

कार्यक्रम में बीज वक्तव्य प्रस्तुत करते हुए प्रो. सन्तोष कुमार शुक्ल, समन्वयक, श्री शंकर शिक्षायतन ने कहा कि श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता के विज्ञानभाष्य का मुख्य विषय अव्ययपुरुष है। इस विज्ञानभाष्य में चार प्रधान विद्याओं की व्याख्या की गयी है। राजर्षिविद्या ही वैराग्यबुद्धियोग है। सिद्धविद्याओं के माध्यम से ज्ञानबुद्धियोग को व्याख्यायित किया गया है। राजविद्या के अन्तर्गत ऐश्वर्यबुद्धियोग का प्रतिपादन किया गया है एवं चतुर्थ आर्षविद्या है जिसके माध्यम से धर्मबुद्धियोग का निरूपण हुआ है। अव्ययपुरुष के स्वरूप की आवरण युक्त योगमाया से अव्ययात्मा का स्वरूप बनता है। शक्ति ऐश्वर्य आदि छह भग जिसमें आविर्भूत होते हैं वह भगवान् कहलाता है। इसी क्रम में पुराणों में वर्णित छह ऐश्वर्यों का उल्लेख मिलता है। जो इस प्रकार है- संपूर्ण ऐश्वर्य, धर्म, यश, श्री, ज्ञान और वैराग्य इन छह तत्त्वों को भग कहा जाता है। ये छः तत्त्व जिसमें समाहित रहते हैं वह भगवान् कहलाता है।

National Webinar on Ishopanishad
July 28 2020

The Ishopanishad is the 40th chapter of shukla Yajurveda and is considered to be the shortest of Upanishads. The title is drawn from its first line of the first mantra, Om īśāvāsyam idaṁ sarvam yat kiṁ ca jagatyāṁ jagat — everything in this universe is enveloped by isa or the supreme being. Atma is
the focal point of this upanishad and hence it is considered as a philosophical text and its mantras are not used in rituals. It is also known as Ishavasya Upanishad and Vajasaneyi Samhita Upanishad.
The term, isha, refers to paramatma, the supreme being. The universe is the outcome of that supreme being’s desire. Pandit Motilal Shastri has given a comprehensive account of these
elements in his commentary on the Upanishad.

These references to Ishopanishad were made during the national webinar on Ishopanishad organised by Shri Shankar Shikshyatan.Pandit Motilal Shastri was one of the illustrious disciples of the famous veda vijnana guru, Pandit Madhusudan Ojha. It is said that Ojhaji, before his demise, entrusted Shastriji with
completing his life’s singular mission–to present the true meaning of the Vedas to the world. Shastriji invented his own unique adaptation of Hindi to explain Vedic science to the lay readers, and he wrote about 80,000 handwritten pages on Vedic themes. Thus he not only made a great contribution to the
exposition of the Vedas but also to the evolution of Hindi itself, vesting remarkable richness to the great language. He passed away at the age of 52.

In his introductory remarks, Prof. Santosh Kumar Shukla, convener, Shri Shankar Shikshayatan, pointed out that Shastriji’s commentaries on Ishavasyopanishad contained two volumes, 900 pages in all. The first part is titled Purushatma-adhikarana contains explanations of mantras one to three. The second volume contains discussion on mantras four to eighteen and is titled Prakratatma-adhikarana. The second
volume is divided into three parts—Brahma, shukra and vishva (universe).

Prof. Shukla quoted a mantra which meant the one which moves, does not move; it is far, it is close; it is inside all of us, it is outside of us. Shashtriji has relied on veda vijnana to explain the mantra, offering two perspectives, one that of kritatma or vidvan (wise person) and another that of akritatma or normal person. According to the wise, Brahma is a static element, Brahma is near and Brahma is present inside
and outside all of us. Normal people consider Brahma to be mobile, far from us and inside us. Prof Shukla threw light on other aspects of Shastriji’s commentaries and pointed out how great German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer was influenced by Upanishads and how his writings on the subject had last influence on European literature and society.

Speaking as a chief guest, Prof. Chandra Panda, former Vice Chancellor, Maharshi Panini Sanskrit and Vedic University, Ujjain, said there were in all 40 chapters in the Yajurveda, of which 39 gave an insight into karma or action while the last chapter, Ishopanishad, contained gyana or knowledge. Upanishad is Brahmavidya. The mantras in the Upanishad tell us how in this universe, conceived by the supreme being, we have to carry out our duties while leading a simple life. We should not be greedy for wealth, for wealth
belongs to no one but the supreme being. Shastriji has explained many such concepts in his commentary on Isavasyopanishad.

Prof. Satyaprakash Dubey, former teacher of Sanskrit at Jainarain Vyas University,Jodhpur, said Ishavasyopanishad contained two types of knowledge—worldly and otherworldly.
Shastriji has explained the meaning of various terms like brahma-karma,jnana-kriya, rasa-bala and vidya-avidya, by drawing upon brahmanagranthas. He has also thrown light on the relationship between ishvara and living beings and the universe, Human body is earth, mana is moon, sun is buddhi or
intellect, parameshti is omnipresent and svayambhu is formless. Ishvar thus resides in every living being.

Dr Vijay Shankar Dwivedi, Sanskrit department, Delhi University, in his address focused on the 18th mantra of Ishopanishad. This mantra comes in the section on sharira and atma. Ordinary people consider the body to be the truth and therefore believe enjoying the fruits of the body to be their ultimate goal of life. But sharira or body without atma is perishable and hence it is important to understand the
elements other than the body.

Dr Ranjan Lata, Sanskrit department, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya University, Gorakhpur, in her presentation, talked about various interpretations of the eighth mantra of Ishopanishad given by Swami Dayanand, Max Mueller, Shankaracharya and Pandit Motilal Shastri. Acharya Shankar has offered a
spiritual perspective on the upanishad, Swami Dayanand gave a practical interpretation and Max Mueller gave a literal meaning. Pandit Shastriji presented eight forms of Brahma Prajapati. Dr Dayal Singh Pawar of Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit University, said sharira or body was an
instrument of many siddhis or accomplishments and was not merely a vehicle of pleasure.

Other speakers included Dr K S Satish, Head of Department,Advaita Vedanta, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit University, New Delhi, Acharya Sreyas Kuhrekar of Jagadguru Sridevanath Vedic Vigyan and Research Institute, Nagpur, Dr Ramachandra of Kurukshetra University and Dr Shweta Tiwari of
Veda Vigyan Research Institute, Jaipur.

The speakers and other guests were welcomed by Dr Lakshmi Kant Vimal of Shri Shankar Shikshayatan who made a short presentation on the programmes and activities undertaken by the institute to spread the writings and teachings of Pandit Madhusudan Ojha, Pandit Motilal Shastri and Rishi Kumar
Mishra. The note of thanks was offered by Dr Mani Shankar Dwivedi of Shri Shankar Shikshayatan. The discussion, hosted on Google Meet, was attended by over 250 participants from different universities and institutions.

Pandit Motilal Shastri Memorial Lecture 2019

September 28,2019

Madhusudan Ojha’s Philosophy of One and Many

Prof. V.N.Jha

Pandit Madhusudan Ojha had dedicated much of his life to reflect on the creation of universe.                  Prof. V.N.Jha, speaking at the Pandit Motilal Shastri Memorial Lecture on September 28, 2019 at New Delhi, said it was but natural that man had this extraordinary curiosity to know about creation since time immemorial.  When  Ojhaji, in pursuit of this curiosity,  looked at the Vedic period, he found several suktas, all trying to explain  the origin of this universe. He found that everyone was claiming to know the reality. But what is the reality? What is sat? What is the truth? He could see that there were multiple positions. He wrote ten books on the subjects, including Sanshayatachudavada which examined all the doubts and differences. Read transcript

National Seminar on Vaidik Yagyaswarup Vimarsh
Organised jointly by Shri Shankar Shikshayatan and Indian Archaeological Society

April 29, 2017

What is yajna? Who created it? What are the benefits of yajna? These are some of the many fundamental questions which have evoked awe and curiosity among humanity for ages.

Yajna is seemingly a simple term but its meaning and importance is as complex as it is compelling. Yajna is the essence, act and process of Creation; it is eternal and seamless, transcending life, matter and thought.

Renowned Vedic scholar, Vidyavachaspati Madhusudan Ojha has lucidly and comprehensively explained the term, yajna, its meaning and context in several of his works. He has specifically dealt with the subject in his Yagyasaraswati.

Shri Shankar Shikshayatan, in collaboration with Indian Archaeological Society, organised a day-long National Seminar on Vaidik Yagyaswarup on April 29, 2017 in New Delhi. Several well-known scholars from different universities were invited to discuss and debate the term, yajna, in the context of adhibhautika (material world in its entirety), adhidavika (world of supraphysical energies) and adhyamtika (spiritual).

Opening the discussion, Prof. Santosh Kumar Shukla, Associate Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University and Honorary Convener, Shri Shankar Shikshayatan, presented that there were two fundamental types of yajna that was happening perpetually in nature, called prakriti yajna and another is the replication of this natural process by the humans, called kritrim yajna. He quoted Bhagawad Gita and Shatpatha Brahmana to explain the concept more deeply. He said another name for yajna was Vishnu; he was therefore known as Yajnonarayan. Prajapati, the master of all beings, was yajna. Prof. Shukla said yajna was the bridge between devatas (manifestations of supraphysical energies) and manushya (human beings).

Noted Vedic scholar, Acharya Jwalant Kumar Shastri laid out the importance of yajna by pointing out that the term was used 1184 in the Vedas, with 580 times in Rigveda alone. He said the term, yajna, has been misunderstood and misinterpreted over the ages. In Sanskrit, he pointed out, there are more meaning than words. Every word has several meanings and are used differently according to their context. It is therefore easy to  lose the real meaning of terms like yajna. He said there was widespread misunderstandings of some key terms like soma, agni and gau. For instance, gau is understood as cow but it is only one among many definitions of this important term; gau also means the rays of sun, a supraphysical energy.

Acharya Shastri said yajna as a ritual, despite being the most commonly understood meaning, was only one of its definitions.

In her address, Dr Shashiprabha Kumar, former Vice Chancellor, Sanchi University, Bhopal, said earth was the alter of yajna; yajna was happening was happening within our bodies and outside, in the cosmos. Referring to the popular meaning of yajna as `sacrifice`, she quoted an anecdote to explain that yajna must mean surrender of self.

Dr Ramanuj Upadhyaya, Assistant Professor, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, New Delhi, clarified that it would be more appropriate to call kritrim or artificial yajna as the one which was visible. He called it pratyaksha yajna. He spoke at length about soma yajna.

Various other aspects of yajna, including the extensive use of Vedic terms and practices by Kalidasa in his works, were taken up by other speakers in their presentations.

Prof. Ram Nath Jha of Jawaharlal Nehru University, in his address as a chairperson of the first session, aptly summed up yajna as the process through which we became one with nature, tattva (essence). He explained how Vedic terms were misinterpreted by western scholars and he cited the specific instance of soma being erroneously defined as an intoxicating drink. Soma is the fundamental material from which the universe came into being.

Prof. Sudhir Kumar, in his address at the second session, explained in detail the scientific principles behind yajna. He pointed out that how the performance of yajna cleans the air, space and self. Through yajna, we draw various benefits of nature’s bounties, he said.

Dr Niranjan Patel, Head of Department, Sanskrit Department, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University, Anand (Gujarat), summed up the essence of yajna as `atma samarpan` or surrender of self.

Pandit Motilal Shastri Smriti Vykhyanmala-2017, Jodhpur
December 21, 2017

Vedic Vijnana is as relevant today as in the past, said  Prof. Ganeshilal Suthar, well-known Vedic scholar and former director of Pandit Madhusudan Ojha Shodh Prakosht, Sanskrit Department, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur. He was speaking at the Pandit Motilal Shastri Smriti Vyakhyanmala-2017 (Pandit Motilal Shastri Memorial Lecture Series 2017) jointly organised by Shri Shankar Shikshayatan and Pandit Madhusudan Ojha Shodh Prakosht at Jodhpur on December 21, 2017.

In his address, Prof. Suthar highlighted the importance of Pandit Madhusudan OjhaÔÇÖs works on the different aspects of Vedic vijnana. He specifically mentioned the book authored by Pandit Ojha titled Sharirika-vimarsha.

Prof Satyaprakash Dubey,Acharya, Sanskrit department, Jai Narain Vyas University, referred to the works of Pandit Ojha to drive home the point that it was not enough to learn the correct way of offering vedic mantras but it was equally important to study their meanings. He dwelt on the meaning of dharma and stressed on the importance of Vedas in contemporary times.

पंडित मोतीलाल शास्त्री स्मृति व्याख्यान माला

पंडित मधुसूदन ओझा प्रकोष्ठ, संस्कृत विभाग, जेएनवीयू एवं श्री शंकर शिक्षायतन, नई दिल्ली के संयुक्त तत्त्वावधान मे गांधी शांति प्रतिष्ठान केन्द्र में पंडित मोतीलाल शास्त्री स्मृति व्याख्यान माला का आयोजन हुआ। कार्यक्रम के अंतर्गत प.मधुसूदन ओझा प्रकोष्ठ के पूर्व निदेशक एवं राष्ट्रपति सम्मानित प्रो. गणेशीलाल सुथार ने प. मधुसूदन ओझा रचित शारीरक विमर्श ग्रंथ के वैशिष्टय को उद्घाटित किया।

प्रो. सुथार ने कहा कि ब्रह्मसूत्र के शारीरकावेज्ञानभाष्य की रचना के पश्चात् शारीरक विमर्श करने की आवश्यकता प. मधुसूदन ने अनुभव की एवं आत्मतत्त्व का सम्यक् निरूपण पृथक ग्रंथ में किया। द्वितीय व्याख्यानमाला के अंतर्गत प्रो. सत्यप्रकाश दुबे ने प. ओझा के ग्रंथ वेदधर्म की तात्त्विक दृष्टि को प्रस्तुत करते हुए कहा कि वेद के मंत्रों का उच्चारण पर्याप्त नहीं, उसके अर्थ के अनुसंधान की भी आवश्यकता है।

धर्म शब्द की चर्चा करते हुए कहा कि जो प्रकृति, समाज और व्यक्ति तीनों स्तरों पर बाधित न हो, वह धर्म है। उन्होंने कहा की वर्तमान में भी वेद और वैदिक शिक्षा प्रासंगिक है। अपने अध्यक्षीय उद्बोधन में सत्यानंद जी वेदवागीश ने मैक्समूलर को उदृत्त करते हुए कहा कि त्रृग्वेद विश्व का प्राचीनतम साहित्य है। उन्होंने कहा कि वैदिक साहित्य पर व्याख्यान पर्याप्त नहीं अपितु जनजीवन भी उससे जुड़े तथा स्वयं के स्तर पर भी वेदों के ज्ञान का प्रसार आवश्यक है।

शोध प्रकोष्ठ की निदेशक एवं अध्यक्ष प्रो. प्रभावती चौधरी ने शोध प्रकोष्ठ की स्थापना के उद्देश्य पर प्रकाश डालते हुए पं. ओझा के व्यक्तित्व कृतित्व से अवगत करवाया। इस अवसर पर गत 20 वर्षों से प्रकोष्ठ की निस्वार्थ सेवा में संलग्न डाॅ. छैलसिंह राठौड़ का अभिनंदन किया। संचालन डाॅ. दीपमाला गहलोत ने किया एवं पं. नीतेश व्यास ने वैदिक मंगलाचरण किया। संस्कृत विभाग के वरिष्ठ आचार्य प्रो. मंगलाराम विश्नोई ने धन्यवाद ज्ञापित किया।

आचार्य जी ने वेदों एवं संस्कृत के सार को प्रकट किया।  व्याख्यानमाला कार्यक्रम के प्रारम्भ में शोध प्रकोष्ठ की निदेशक एवं अध्यक्ष प्रो. प्रभावती चौधरी ने शोध प्रकोष्ठ की स्थापना के उद्देश्य पर प्रकाश डालते हुए पंडित ओझा के व्यक्तित्व व कृतित्व से अवगत करवाया।

National Seminar on Pandit Madhusudan Ojha
November 4-5, 2017
Jointly organised by Shri Shankar Shikshayatan and the Department of Grammar, Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit Vishvavidyalaya, Darbhanga

Pandit Madhusudan Ojha was an extraordinary scholar of the Vedas and other pauranic
texts.  This was how Prof. Santosh Shukla, an Associate Professor of Sanskrit at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, and Convener, Shri Shankar Shikshayatan, introduced the subject at the inaugural session of the two-day National Seminar on Pandit Madhusudan Ojha, organised jointly by Shri Shankar Shikshayatan and the Department of Grammar, Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit Vishvavidyalaya, Darbhanga on November 4-5, 2017 at the Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit Vishvavidyalaya, Darbhanga. Bihar.

The principle focus of the seminar was to bring together scholars from Darbhanga to discuss Pandit Ojha’s  prolific exposition of Veda Vijnana through his writings and oration. Pandit Ojha’s known works number over 280 of which only 60 have so far been published in various languages. Shri Shankar Shikshayatan has recently published an English translation of Pandit Ojha’s Indravijaya. The English version is titled Bharatavarsha: The India Narrative and has been translated by well-known scholar and linguist, Prof. Kapil Kapoor.

Prof. Shukla, introducing the renowned Vedic scholar and his works, pointed out that Pandit Ojha had evolved a revolutionary way of examining, and understanding, the Vedic texts and then presenting it to the world the knowledge contained in the Vedas in clear and concise terms. His remarkable scientific study of the Vedas made him.

In his address, chief guest, Dr Vidyadhar Mishra, former Vice Chancellor of the Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit Vishvavidyalaya, said Pandit Ojha represented India’s sacred legacy. His scientific approach to the Vedas was more advanced than present times. He termed Ojha ji as a great tapasvi or great ascetic.

Chairing the session, Dr Upendra Jha, Vice Chancellor, Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit Vishvavidyalaya, referring to the works of Pandit Ojha, said they contained an ocean of knowledge within them. His grasp over the Vedic texts and knowledge was unique. We must benefit from his works.

Dr Sureshwar Jha, the main speaker on the first day of the seminar, said the source of learning and wisdom has always been the Mithila region. He urged setting up of a chair in honour of Pandit Ojha at the Sanskrit university. He said Ojha ji should be celebrated in Mithila. He then went on to give a lucid summary of the works of Pandit Ojha.

The first session was chaired by former Vice Chancellor, Dr Ramachandra Jha. The speakers included Dr Kalikadutt Jha, Dr Umakant Chaturvedi, Dr Dayanand Jha and Dr Vinay Kumar Mishra.

Prof. Shashinath Jha of Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit Vishvavidyalaya  coordinated the proceedings.

Centenary Year of Veda Vachaspati Pandit Motilal Shastri Seminar on Veda Vijnana
September 28,2008

Opening Remarks by Rishi Kumar Mishra

For a seminar to mark the centenary year of Veda Vachaspati Pandit Motilal ji Shastri; Veda Vijnana is the most appropriate topic. Because Shastri ji and his Sameeksha Chakravarty guru Pandit Madhusudan Ojha ji are pioneers in the exposition and elucidation of Veda Vijnana – a term generally translated in English as Vedic Science. However, several issues arise from the use of the term ‘science’ for Vijnana. Some well-meaning scholars of the Vedas have attempted to ‘prove’ that the Western achievements of modern science are nothing new. That several modern scientific invention/can be located within Vedic texts.
But this is not what Ojha ji and Shastri ji tell us. The Vijnana of the Vedas expounded in their works is vastly different from modern western science. Read the full text