National Seminar on Brahmavijnana-Sharirikavimarsha

Shri Shankar Shikshayatan, under the series of Brahmavijnana-vimarsha, organised a national seminar on Sharirikavimarsha on April 29,2023. The seminar was based on the Pandit Madhusudan Ojha’s unique text, Sharirakavimarsha. Prof. Dr. Satchidananda Mishra, Member Secretary, Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi, served as the keynote speaker and Prof. Devnath Tripathi was the distinguished speaker. The programme was chaired by Prof. Santosh Kumar Shukla, convener, Shri Shankar Shikshayatan.

Sharirikavimarsha is an important work by Pandit Madhusudan Ojha on Brahmavijnana. In this book, Ojhaji has presented discussions on various aspects of atma. Sharirika refers to a living being and this being is called jeevatma.

Prof. Sachchidananda Mishra in his statement clarified the classification of darshanshastra as enunciated in the ninth episode of Sharirikavimarsha.He said Ojha ji had classified darshanshastria in three ways and presented a meaningful explanation of darshanshastra’s six types, 18 types and 36 types. He pointed out that this philosophical classification of Ojhaji offered a unique insight. This is very useful for students of darshanshastra.

Prof. Devnath Tripathi, in his presentation, clarified the explanation in the second chapter of the book of two terms, Brahma and Shastrabrahma. He explained that the Shabdabrahm was the basic element from which Creation happens. It is the Shastrabrahma that explains the origin. It is through the shastras that the general public becomes aware of the essence of Creation.

Prof. Santosh Kumar Shukla, who chaired the session, said that the book was an inimitable text of darshanshastra. Each chapter called for independent discussion and small volume in itself. Ojhaji has covered several important subjects in this book. Prof. Shukla explained that this text was divided into sixteen chapters in total, the summary of which is written below:

Twelve topics are considered under the first chapter called Pravrantinimitta of Brahmamimansa. Various aspects of Brahmamimansa i.e. Brahma’s thoughts have been explained.

Six themes are rendered in the second chapter titled Shastrabrahma Ki Mimamsa. It is meaningful to contemplate on Brahma based on the evidence of the shastras. The subject of knowing man is Brahma. The shastra that renders that Brahma is Shastrabrahma. In the shastras, Atman and Brahma signify the same meaning.

The third chapter, the concept of vedatattva, contains fifteen sub-disciplines. Just as the world is created from Brahma according to advaitavedanta, so according to vedic science, this world is created from vedatattva. Quoting a mantra of Taitteriya Brahman in this subject, Pandit Madhusudan Ojha writes that all the shapes (idols) that exist in this world are derived from the Rika Tattva. All the types of movements in this world are produced by Yaju Tattva.

The fourth chapter, Aupapadhik Samnabheda, explains five vidyas. These vidyas or systems of knowledge are– mantravidya, aksharavidya, drishtividya, yajnavidya and siddhividya.

Twelve topics are covered in the fifth chapter called the Veda Shaka. In this chapter, the method of calculation is based on vedic science is explained. The concept of zero number and whole number is deciphered in detail. Rit and satya are two elements. The Rit Tattva signifies shunya or zero and satya signifies the whole.

In the sixth chapter titled Shabdasvarupatmaka Veda, Vedashastra, Upanishachastra, Darshanshastra, Mimamsashastra and Gitashastra are explained. In the seventh chapter, there is a detailed explanation on atma. The eighth chapter presents explanation on divisions in Upanishad and the relationship of these divisions with vedas. In the ninth chapter, eighteen types of darshanshastra and 36 types of darshan and their divisions are presented. In the tenth chapter, sixteen types of material or padartha are given. In the eleventh chapter titled Gitashastra, brief explanation of akshara and uttampurusha are given. In the twelfth chapter titled Atmabrahma, different forms of atma are given.

The thirteenth chapter, Brahma ka Vichar, nirvishesh, paratpar, purusha, satya, yajna, virat and vishwa are explained. To eliminate the contradiction of darshanshastra, the fourteenth chapter called Brahma ka Vichar gives a point-by-point clarifications of various contradictions in darshanshastra. In the fifteenth chapter, Ishwaratma, several subjects are discussed, most important being the forms of Brahma.

The sixteenth chapter titled Jeevatma ka Bodh, explains chidatma, chidansha, chidabhas and similar subjects.

The seminar was conducted by Dr. Lakshmi Kant Vimal and Dr. Mani Shankar Dwivedi of Shri Shankar Shikshayatan.

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