May 29, 2021
Sadasadavada is one of the several books authored by renowned Vedic teacher Pandit
Madhusudan Ojha on Creation. In this book, Ojhaji has presented 21 philosophical issues.
Although in essence there are only seven basic philosophical issues–pratyaya, prakriti,
tadamya, arya, guna, samanjasya and akshara, but with the presence of sat
(what is not truth) and satsat
, in each of these make the total to 21. Here, pratyaya refers to jnana or knowledge. This knowledge is explained with the help of three elements–drishta or seeker, jnana or knowledge and drishya or what is knowable. The book also explains sat
in its three states–wakefulness, dream and deep sleep. Ojhaji has then expanded on seven states of atma–wakefulness, dream, deep sleep, hypnotic, coma, death and salvation.
On May 29, 2021, Shri Shankar Shikshayatan organised a National Webinar on
Sadasadavada as part of its discussion series to highlight various works of three gurus,
Pandit Madhusudan Ojha, Pandit Motilal Shastri and Rishi Kumar Mishra.
The Googlemeet was chaired by Prof Satya Prakash Dubey, former Director, Pandit
Madhusudan Ojha Shodh Prakosht, Jainarain Vyas University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan. Key
speakers included Prof. Gopal Prasad Verma and Prof Prabhakar Prasadof Lal Bahadur
Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit University, New Delhi, Dr KTV Raghavan, Indira Gandhi
National Centre for Arts (Puducherry), Dr Bhavnath Jha, Mahavir Mandir, Patna, Bihar and
Prof. Santosh Kumar Shukla of Jawaharlal Nehru University as well as Convener, Shri
Shankar Shikshayatan.
Prof. Gopal Prasad Sharma said Ojhaji in this book has examined philosophical principles.
He pointed out Ojhaji in his other books, Dashavadarahasya, Maharshikulavaibhavam,
vyomavada and Pandit Motilal Shastri in his Vyakhyan-panchakam have given a detailed
account of sat, asat and sat-asat. Ojhaji has referred to Taitteriya Upanishad for his
explanations on sat
. He has used Brahma
as the focal point of reference.
Asanneva sa bhavati asadabrahmoti veda chet
Asti brahmoti chedveda santamenam tato vidu.
–Taitteriya Upanishad 2.6
Prof. Prabhakar Prasad said in Sadasadavada, Ojhaji has explained the process of
Creation through the prism of sankhya, vaisheshik and vedanta schools of philosophy. He
has clarified the meaning of karan or cause and karya or effect. The creation is karya and
its catalyst tattva is Brahma. According to vaisheshik and vedanta school, mud is the
cause and pot is the effect or result. The form of pot is asat but its existence rests on mud.
Ojhaji has termed pot as bala and karma. Mud is also bala and in this bala manifest the
pot. The same pot, which is asat, becomes sat after some time.
Yatasti mritsa na ghatosti tasyam asan ghatastatra dadhati sattam
Ghato balam karma cha mridbalastham sattamupadaya vibhati tavat
Yatkaryamutpadhyat aitadasid asata pura sabhdavatih pashchat
Vaishikairesha nirupitortho naiyayikaishchabhimatoyamarth.
–Sadasadavada, p. 35, karika 4
Dr Raghavan said the book offered an explanation of drishta, drishya and vaka. Drishta is
the one who sees or seeks and drishya is the object; these are two separate entities in the
world. Drishta is internal and drishya is what is visible.In philosophical terms, drishta is
called pramata or vishayi. Ojhaji termed drishta as sat
and drishya
as asat
Pashyami vishvam mama darshanesmin drishta cha drishyam cha prithaka vibhati
Drishtanarah kaschidabhinna eko drishyani bhuyamsi bahia sthithani
Drishta pramata vishayi sadartho gyata cha brahmaneti na bhidhyaterthah
Drishyam prameyam vishayosadartho gyeyam cha karmethi na bhidhyaterthah.
–Sadasadavada p. 1 karika 2-3
Dr Bhavnath Jha, in his speech, referred to Ojhaji’s use of Buddhist principles in his book.
He mentioned aryachatushtaya and panchaskanda. He said worldly sorrows are fleeting.
This Buddhist concept is explained by Ojhaji in his book.
Prof. Satyaprakash Dubey said, Ojajhi, through his various books, had given a deep
insight into the mysteries of creation. His disciple, Pandit Motilal Shastri has, in his own
books, presented twelve vadas or reasonings for creation. Sadasadavada is a unique
book explaining the meaning of sat, asat and sat-sat in the context of creation of the
Rounding up the discussion, Prof. Santosh Kumar Shukla said Sadasadavada was
divided into seven chapters, each dealing with different subjects. These subjects
are–pratyaya, prakriti (nature), ekatmaya (uniform), karya (action), guna (quality),
samanjasya (relationship) and akshara. These seven subjects are examined on sat, asat
and sat-asat principles which makes them 21 subjects in all.
Pratyaya evam prakritishchaikatamayam chabhikarya cha
Svagunaha samanjasya chakshar eti saptadha vimarsha syuha
Pratyekameshu santi trayo vikalpa asachha sat sadsat
Tenayam ekavimshi sadasadvado nirupyote samyak.
–Sadasadavada, p. 1, karika 1-2
Prof. Shukla pointed out that Ojhaji, quoting Shatapatha Brahamana, made the subject
easier and said prana was asat, vak was sat and mana was sat-asat.
The programme was conducted and coordinated by Dr Lakshmi Kant Vimal and Dr Mani
Shankar Dwivedi of the Shikshayatan, in association with Dr Bishnu Shankar Mahapatra.
The meeting was attended by teachers, scholars and students from different universities
and educational institutions