From his early days, Pandit Madhusudan Ojha revealed a sharp and intelligent mind. As a result of his hard work and natural brilliance, while he was still young he acquired authority in the complex subjects of vyakarana (grammar) , nyaya (law), literature, Vedanta and philosophy.
At a young age, he became a Professor of Sanskrit at the Maharaja College, Jaipur and later Professor of Vedanta at the Sanskrit College. The then Maharaja of the princely state of Jaipur, Madhao Singh, came to know of his outstanding scholarship and appointed him as a member of his personal staff.
Ojhaji was entrusted with the responsibility of organising and overseeing the private library of the ruler of Jaipur, for he was not only accomplished in the Shastras (religious texts) but also endowed with great insights in administrative matters.
In a brief autobiographical note on Pandit ji published in 1942, mention is made of approximately 125 books authored by him, only few of which are available today. His insights left an indelible mark on all those who had an opportunity to listen or to interact with him.
Ojhaji lived with great simplicity in this world while remaining detached from it. His only commitment was to discover as much as possible about the Vedic sciences and he devoted all his energy in unravelling their mysteries. He continued his studies for 50 years with dedication and devotion, even when his health was declining. His 70th birthday was celebrated in 1937 (vikram samvat 1993). Three years later, after a brief illness, Pandit ji breathed his last. His death was mourned throughout India as the loss of one of her most respected and renowned scholars.
पंडित मधुसूदन ओझा
अपने शुरुआती दिनों से, पंडित मधुसूदन ओझा ने एक तेज और बुद्धिमान दिमाग का खुलासा किया । अपनी कड़ी मेहनत और प्राकृतिक प्रतिभा के परिणामस्वरूप, उन्होंने व्याकरण (व्याकरण), न्याय (कानून), साहित्य, वेदांत और दर्शन के जटिल विषयों में अधिकार प्राप्त किया । कम उम्र में, वह महाराजा कॉलेज, जयपुर में संस्कृत के प्रोफेसर और बाद में संस्कृत कॉलेज में वेदांत के प्रोफेसर बने । जयपुर रियासत के तत्कालीन महाराजा माधो सिंह को उनकी उत्कृष्ट छात्रवृत्ति का पता चला और उन्होंने उन्हें अपने निजी स्टाफ के सदस्य के रूप में नियुक्त किया । ओझा जी को जयपुर के शासक के निजी पुस्तकालय के आयोजन और देखरेख की जिम्मेदारी सौंपी गई थी, क्योंकि वे न केवल शास्त्रों (धार्मिक ग्रंथों) में निपुण थे, बल्कि प्रशासनिक मामलों में भी महान अंतर्दृष्टि के साथ संपन्न थे ।
1942 में प्रकाशित पंडित जी पर एक संक्षिप्त आत्मकथात्मक नोट में, उनके द्वारा लिखी गई लगभग 125 पुस्तकों का उल्लेख किया गया है, जिनमें से कुछ ही आज उपलब्ध हैं । उनकी अंतर्दृष्टि ने उन सभी पर एक अमिट छाप छोड़ी जिन्हें सुनने या उनके साथ बातचीत करने का अवसर मिला ।
ओझा जी इस दुनिया में बड़ी सादगी के साथ रहते थे। उनकी एकमात्र प्रतिबद्धता वैदिक विज्ञानों के बारे में अधिक से अधिक खोज करना था और उन्होंने अपनी सारी ऊर्जा उनके रहस्यों को उजागर करने में समर्पित कर दी । उन्होंने 50 वर्षों तक समर्पण और भक्ति के साथ अपनी पढ़ाई जारी रखी, तब भी जब उनका स्वास्थ्य घट रहा था । उनका 70 वां जन्मदिन 1937 (विक्रम संवत 1993) में मनाया गया था । तीन साल बाद, एक संक्षिप्त बीमारी के बाद, पंडित जी ने अंतिम सांस ली । उनकी मृत्यु पर पूरे भारत में उनके सबसे सम्मानित और प्रसिद्ध विद्वानों में से एक के रूप में शोक व्यक्त किया गया था ।
The works of Pandit Madhusudan Ojha
This small book has been written by Ojhaji on the development of Puranas–where they originated, who were their first…
This is the second volume of Pandit Madhusudan Ojha’s work on rishis. Well-known acharya and disciple of Ojhaji, Pandit Giridhar…
This is a volume on yajna-vijnana or the science of yajna. Here, Ojhaji has elucidated upon all subjects related to…
In this volume, Pandit Madhusudan Ojha has explained the concept of Chatushpad Brahma. Given here are four aspects —paratpar, avyaya,…
Extremely difficult subjects need to be repeated and presented from different perspectives for a better grasp. Brahma-vijnana (science of the…
This is an important work on the principles of Vedanta. Influenced to a great extent by Shankaracharya’s commentaries on Vedanta,…
This is the third volume in the Bhagvad Gita Vijnanabhashya compendium. The volume has five chapters–Krishna ki trividhita (three identities…
Pandit Madhusudan Ojha has written a well-argued case for travelling abroad. In the olden times, sailing to foreign countries was…
Vedic-kosha is also known as Nighantumanimala which means a collection of vedic terms. The book contains vedic terms and their…
`Smarthakundasamikshadhyaya has three notes–smartha, kunda and samiksha. Smartha originates from smriti or commemoration. The person who conducts yagya karma according…
The term pitr means ancestors. Pandit Madhsudan Ojha has written a comprehensive book on the subject of ancestors. The book…
Varnasamiksha is an important volume on linguistics. An integral part of this science of language is phonology. The volume presents…
This volume deals with the establishment of brahmavad by Brahma, practical aspects of Brahma, practical aspects of Maya and the…
In this work, Pandit Madhusudan Ojha has unraveled the true meaning of terms like `devata` (deity), `pitr` (paternal ancestors) and…
This is an important work on the subject of devatas under the category of yajna. The book, like others in…
Earth, water, air, sky and fire are considered as five elements of life But are they the basic elements? This…
This volume explains the daily ritual of sandhyopasana or evening prayer. What is the importance of the evening prayer? What…
This is a concise work on svarga or heaven. Ojhaji has dealt with various classifications of svarga, like bhaumasvarga, pitrasvarga…
This volume contains several anecdotal historical accounts. The work is divided into two sections. The Vaigyanikopakhyan deals with the story…
Pandit Madhusudan Ojha has offered several commentaries on the subject of creation. He has examined ten discourses on the subject…
As the title itself suggests, this volume extols the virtues of maharshis (great sages) and their clan. The book gives…
In this volume, Ojhaji has written on kaala or time and various dimensions of time. The term, manuvantara, refers to…
This volume is part of Pandit Madhusudan Ojha’s works on Vedanga-samiksha . In the brahamana texts, vak (speech or sound)…
Pandit Madhusudan Ojha divided his work on veda vijnana into four divisions–brahmavijnana, yajnavijnana, itihasapurana and vedanga-samiksha. There are 108 volumes…
This is a treatise on yajna written by Pandit Madhusudan Ojha as part of his works on yajna vigyan. This…
In this volume, Pandit Madhsudan Ojha has examined `padarth` or `material` in Vedic vijnana. The volume deals with four subjects…
Pandit Madhusudan Ojha wrote Jagadguruvaibhavam to expand the meaning and scope of his earlier work, Indravijayah. In this volume, he…
This is the collection of Pandit Madhusudan Ojha’s talks on dharma and related subject during his foreign travels. वेदधर्मव्याख्यानम् यह…
Pandit Madhusudan Ojha has explained the science of Vedic metre in this volume. `Chhanda` is one of the six Vedangas.…
The title of the book explains its contents. The `dharma` in the title refers to virtuous behaviour and `pariksha` means…
Vyakaranvinod is a simplified text on Sanskrit grammar written by Pandit Madhusudan Ojha. In six chapters, Ojhaji has explained the…
Vijnana Vidyut is an important work on Brahma vijnana by great vedic savant, Pandit Madhusudan. The term vidyut means illumination. As everything…
Brahmavijnana is the only work of Pandit Madhusudan Ojha which is originally written in Hindi. It is a text of…
This is a volume on material science authored by Pandit Madhusudan Ojha. This is a Hindi translation. According to him,…
Pandit Madhusudan Ojha has extensively documented various terms appearing in the Vedic texts in Atrikhyati, Devasura-khyati and Madhav-khyati. These terms…
This treatise discusses in great detail the ancient Indian weather science envisioned by our seer-scientists of yore for forecasting normal,…
In this second volume of commentary on Bhagavad Gita. Ojahji has described two aspects of Gita–historic and scientific. Sixty four…
The first part of the commentary begins with an interesting and illustrative definition of terms, Bhagavad, Gita and Upanishad. The…
A life-long study of the Vedas along with other pauranic texts made Pandit Madhusudan Ojha aware of an exceptional blend…
After uncovering the ten cosmological principles underlying Creation, Pandit Madhusudan Ojha embarked on a monumental task: meticulously elucidating each of…
Ambhovada deals with water as the primeval source of Creation. All creations are born out of the infinite ocean of…
Aparavada is one of the many books on Creation authored by Pandit Madhusudan Ojha. The term apara means self, or the one which…
Sanshayataduchchedavada is one of the several books written by Pandit Madhusudan Ojha on the mysteries of Creation. Since there was…
Vyomavada argues that the universe was created from space or vyoma. The book explains that space existed along with the…
Of the 12 books on causes of Creation, Pandit Madhusudan Ojha has written day and night, light and darkness among…
Pandit Madhusudan Ojha has written twelve books on Creation, based primarily on the nadakiya sukta of the Rigveda. Ojhaji marshalled…
Different principles related to creation have been examined in Rajovada. Ojhaji has presented various aspects of srishti or creation, referred…
This is a monumental work by Ojha ji on the subject of aashaucha (loosely translated as impurity). In this book,…