Veda Vijnana

To comprehend the true meaning of the term Vijnana, two great teachers,Sameeksha Chakravarty Pt. Madhusudan Ojha and Veda Vachaspati Pt. Motilal Shastri, advises the student to first break it down into its literal connotations. The syllable Vi, used as a prefix to the word Jnana, is capable of conveying three meanings: special (Vishesh) knowledge; the variety (Vividham) of knowledge; and also perverted knowledge (Viruddham). Negative or perverse knowledge is indicated by the word Ajnana and special knowledge is conveyed by the word Jnana.

Vijnana means ‘variety of knowledge’ or, to be more exact, the knowledge of variety. The knowledge of how this variegated and diverse universe is subsumed into one fundamental source in jnana.

And the knowledge of how that one source grows into a diverse, plural world of great variety is the field of Vijnana.

Sameeksha Chakravarty Pt. Madhusudan Ojha and Veda Vachaspati Pt. Motilal Shastri did not attempt to blend ‘science’ with ‘spirituality’. The rishis do not divorce matter from spirit. These are not separate. They are different dimensions of an integrated, single whole. The substratum of these apparently different manifestation is atma – often erroneously translated as ‘spirit’ or ‘soul’.

Vedas are no mere exertion in metaphysics, philosophy or spirituality. This is obvious from the fact Veda Vijnana led to the development of numerous subsidiaries of considerable practical importance. These include subjects like anatomy and medicine, architecture and town planning, meteorology and astronomy, language and linguistics, music and dance, statecraft and economy. social engineering and jurisprudence, psychology and physiology.

But Vedas are much more.

The body of knowledge consisting of four principal texts and six auxiliary limbs are known collectively as the Veda Shastra. They explore, elucidate the fundamental mysteries of our universe. For example, When the unmanifest (Avyakta) hecome manifest (Vyakta), Vyakti is born. Vyakti or an individual has a form. A form is held together by a delicate blend of inflowing and out flowing motion. And a form becomes visible because of its innate luminosity.

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