A national webinar was organised by Shri Shankar Shikshayatan on September 30. . This national seminar focused on the third chapter of Pandit Madhusudan Ojha’s Indravijaya.
Prof. Ranjit Kumar Mishra, Hansraj College, Delhi University said that the diverse form of Usha has been revealed in the third chapter of Indravijaya. There are many sages who praise Usha whose names have been mentioned by the author. They are: Vishwamitra, Vashishtha, Praskanva Kanva, Kakshivan Dirghatama, Ashtadashtra Vairup and Aptya. Several sages have praised Usha in the Rigveda. Usha is imagined in human form, yet Usha is treated at a divine level. At the time of sunrise, Usha comes near a man riding on a chariot made of deer. Hundred chariots driven by the deities follow Usha.
Dr. Govind Shukla, Assistant Professor, Department of Grammar, Central Sanskrit University, Vedvyas Campus said that the name of the third chapter of Indravijaya was Vigyan Bhavan. In this chapter, the establishment of Surya Sadan has been extensively discussed by Ojha ji. Names of rivers and introduction of places along the rivers are also available here. Just as there is a lake named Bindusar towards the north from Kashmir. That lake is currently known by the name ‘Sarpas’. Many scholars also interpret this lake by the name Saraswati. There was Saraswati city in the east part of the confluence of Indus river and Saraswati city on the west bank. This house of Surya was established there.
Dr. Radhavallabh Sharma, Assistant Professor, Department of Literature, Haryana Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, Palwal, said that Suryasanstha has been described in detail in Indravijaya. There were two chakras of Surya in Surya Sadan. Indra bravely took a Chakra from the bandits to place it in the celestial world. This Chakra was kept near a person named Kutsa. In the same context, Vishtap has also been described by Pandit Madhusudan Ojha. Vishtap means svarga. There was a displacement of the moon in the north-east direction from Aparajita place. Brahma’s Vishtap was in the south direction and Vishnu’s Vishtap was in the north.
Prof. Santosh Kumar Shukla, Jawaharlal Nehru University, presided over the programme. He said that a unique explanation of Surya Bhavan can be seen in the third chapter of Indravijaya. In the third chapter, the knowledge of Sun and the knowledge of Usha have been described in detail. In the very beginning the author writes that Surya Sadan was established by Indra on the banks of river Saraswati. This Surya Sadan was established under the leadership of sage Vasishtha. Surya Sadan was there only to know the knowledge of Sun’s light and dawn.
Dr. Praveen Koirala, Samveda Professor, Dharmodaya Vedvigyan Gurukul, Manipur, recited Vedic Mangalacharan . The programme was conducted by Dr. Lakshmi Kant Vimal of Shri Shankar Shikshayatan. Students and teachers from various universities of different states participated in the programme.